Bad Piggies

Bad Piggies

Version: 2.3.5

Updated: November 10, 2020

Size: 70 MB



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You can now participate in this ongoing conflict between pigs and birds as the “evil guys”!

Who would have imagined that we would witness birds and pigs fighting? That would have seemed like a really strange thought before 2009, but today it’s a given!

I’m sure a lot of you remember where it all began. When the original Angry Birds game was released and received such high praise from both users and critics, it was clear that Finnish game developer Rovio Entertainment knew just how to captivate the then-emerging mobile industry. This was mostly due to the highly amusing design of that game and its compelling slingshot puzzle elements.

This phenomenal success over the past ten years has given rise to a steady stream of Angry Birds games and spin-offs. “Bad Piggies” is one of these spin-offs and the first from the franchise. It is supposedly a prologue to the events (for lack of a better word) depicted in the first game. You’ll learn about the background of the war between our beaked buddies and their porcine adversaries in this instance.

The game is not set up to provide as much of a great tale, though, if you’re a mythology fanatic. You’ll only come across a tale about some pigs taking some eggs. And yes, despite their meanness, the piggies are still very cute.

In actuality, you could play this game in the same way you would pinball or any other plotless game because the lore is only an excuse to give your playtime some appearance of purpose. Here, the gameplay is the main attraction, and Rovio is by far the best developer in this area.

But this is not the slingshot frenzy to which we have grown accustomed. In actuality, the gameplay of this game is completely unrelated to Angry Birds. The focus of the gameplay this time is creating some cars and testing them out on the map. Although it is as simple as it can be, there are still obstacles to overcome.

This game’s mechanics pass the “mom test,” which means that anyone can start playing it without having to memorize a phonebook-sized manual, just like with the mainline games (no insult to anyone’s mom). However, it does need some strategy (after all, it is still a puzzle game).

Rovio managed to produce gameplay that, despite departing almost entirely from the traditional pattern, practically matched the original in terms of originality and quality. Though it depends on your preferences, you’ll probably not miss the slingshot when playing this game. The crucial thing to keep in mind is that Rovio is not constrained by the mechanics of the original game and is capable of providing a variety of ways to make their games enjoyable.

There is a minor disclaimer in this. Though the game does encourage innovation, don’t ever imagine that you can get past obstacles in any way! You must follow the developers’ predetermined path for solving your problems; deviating from this path will ultimately result in level failure. No game on the market today—not even Minecraft, to Rovio’s credit—will grant players complete freedom, but it’s important to keep that in mind.

Editor’s Review & How To Play

In the puzzle video game Bad Piggies, you construct devices out of resources that the game gives you. Throughout the entire game, Ross (the primary pig protagonist) drives, occasionally joined by King Pig and Mechanic Pig.

A building grid that varies in size according to the level is used to construct buildings in the 2D environment of the game. For the vehicle to move, Ross must be inserted into one of the slots, but the slot he’s in could also affect whether the car makes it through the trial.

You will move through many levels that offer a variety of difficulties as you progress through the game. You are introduced to the primary mechanics in the instructional level at the beginning of the game (no pun intended). A 3×2 grid with three wooden frames and two wooden wheels will be provided to you in it. In return for increased difficulties and impediments, each level will offer larger grids and a longer range of commodities.

You should be able to get the piggies to the level’s objective with the device you construct. You must make sure that the components of the device are put together during your crafting sessions in a way that enables it to avoid all of the accidents present in the environment as well as the other various barriers (and angry birds) that may stand in its way.

The powers and quality of the components vary greatly. The materials used may also have an impact on how the vehicle maneuvers. One of the most crucial aspects of the game, the device could fall victim to gravity because some components are heavier than others.

Movement is accomplished in a variety of ways, such as by using rockets or soda bottles. Naturally, if you’re on land, you’ll also need to install wheels.

You’ll be able to attach motors later on in the game, each with a unique function and level of power. The V8 engine is the most powerful for land travel whereas the electric motor is the least powerful (albeit less noisy) engine in the game. The propeller is used to propel the aircraft, but because it is so noisy, it poses a serious threat to any nearby birds.

The vehicles can also be lifted using balloons, but they can only be fastened to lightweight objects like crates or the pigs themselves. Additionally, they frequently pop in midair, leaving the device vulnerable to harm from falls. However, they don’t produce noise, which can be a huge benefit in some situations.

Finally, if you find yourself unable to complete a level, you can always rely on a mechanic pig to construct the device for you. However, you will need to use a Power-Up, which can be acquired in a variety of ways, including by feeding the King Pig, opening Loot Crates, spending coins, or making in-app purchases (using real money). This could be considered a pay-to-win mechanic, but it’s completely voluntary and has little to no impact on your progress.

After ten years, Bad Piggies has held up quite well and continues to provide an incredible experience that almost rivals that of the original core Angry Birds games. Bad Piggies is a must-have if you’re seeking for a fun puzzle game to spend some time.

Please share your opinions in the space provided below. There aren’t any angry birds in sight, so don’t worry!

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