LEGO® Star Wars™: TCS

LEGO® Star Wars™: TCS

Version: 2.2.0

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

Size: 860 MB



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Building, exploring, and overcoming problems are the main themes of the endearingly amusing action-adventure game Lego Star Wars: TCS.

The setting of Lego Star Wars is the Star Wars galaxy. The story develops in conjunction with the movie plotlines, offering you the chance to visit fan-favorite worlds and relive memorable moments. On one mission, you can be piloting the Millennium Falcon to attack the Death Star, and on another, you might be touring the Tatooine Sand Dunes. You feel personally immersed in every worthwhile Star Wars encounter.

Even while it’s evident that fans of the Star Wars movies will want this, others who haven’t seen the movies before won’t be turned off. No matter how serious the movie’s equivalent scene is, the cut-scenes are endearingly humorous and give practically every situation a whimsical twist.

You’ll find yourself constructing (and demolishing) a ton of lego constructions in an universe that is (nearly) entirely made of legos because this game is fundamentally a Lego game. In order to solve puzzles and explore every square inch of the planet you may find yourself on, you take on the role of the Lego characters in each scenario and have the power to switch between different members of your squad. The ability to build your own character is one of the coolest features. Since it’s Lego, you can create someone entirely unique by assembling any bizarre and amazing combination of favorite Star Wars characters. Do you want C3PO to wear Luke Skywalker’s head? It’s no issue. Your creativity is the only thing that can restrict you.

You’ll find yourself trying to figure out what is genuine and what isn’t during the game. What constitutes Lego and what does not! If you chose to wreck havoc, a startling number of the worlds you inhabit are entirely at your mercy. Drive cars, fly ships, shoot stormtroopers, blow up boxes, and take control of the renowned AT-ST. using them all to unleash utter havoc across the galaxy on every planet.

Lego Star Wars: TCS has a ton of replayability, which is one of its best features. The first time you play a level, you have to play it pretty much exactly how it was in the movies. The choice to select “free play” is available to you the second time around. This essentially gives you the freedom to decide how you want the operation to proceed. Why not confront Darth Vader as a Stormtrooper instead than as Luke? Still possess the necessary skills? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t, but either way, it’s entertaining.

You can only use the character you created in missions through free play, as well. Maybe your Luke Skywalker/C3PO combination will perform better than a Stormtrooper against Darth Vader? This game is by far the most pleasant to play through the entire storyline before returning to play it again. Since there are more than 120 characters to pick from, you can receive a rather new experience every time.

Editor’s Review & How To Play

The controls are simple to master, the goals are always crystal obvious, and playing Lego Star Wars: TCS is intuitive and simple. However, this does not imply that they will be simple to handle. The riddles are challenging but satisfying. The levels’ platform designs are straightforward, but they are interesting and very dynamic. You will undoubtedly become frustrated while playing Lego Star Wars: TCS while attempting to collect every single collectible object.

Lego studs are one of these “things,” which spring out of everything you smash and scatter all over the floor. These studs are extremely expensive since they are used as money in the Lego Star Wars universe. With studs, you can purchase additional characters, improve your skills, and even unlock amusing extras like wild and fantastic cheats that, once more, drastically alter how you play the game.

There are a few things you need be sure to accomplish in your quest to find every stud, get every Minikit (collectible goods), and finish every puzzle. Blow everything up first! You ought to be insane for destroying the location. The cause is? Not simply the ones you see on the ground, but also Lego furniture like chairs and boxes, contain the majority of studs. Second, make sure you employ each member of your team in order to do this. Some objects can only be destroyed with a lightsaber, some with blaster fire, and yet others call for The Force (light or dark!).

You will come across challenges that appear insurmountable as you work to become a stud millionaire and unlock every character. Places that are simply too high to access, minuscule vents that could only accommodate the tiniest of characters, and more. You might not be able to accomplish these on your first playthrough. Once more, the only way to finish some tasks is to finish the level first and bring back a fresh squad, who can initially seem out of place.

The levels could be enjoyable, but every now and then it’s wonderful to take a breather and wander the galaxy at your own pace. You can test out new characters and push them to their limits in various locations that have no clear plot or objective before being thrust back into the action. It’s a terrific game to pick up and play for five to ten minutes or to get lost in for several hours. There is always work to be done, whether it is building, destroying, or exploring. It can take some practice until you’re satisfied with your lightsaber skills because the battle style is somewhat unusual. Fortunately, there are a few more than amenable lego NPCs roving the cosmos, eager for you to pick them on. Who knows, when you vanquish them, some of them might even drop uncommon gifts.

Overall, Lego Star Wars is a fantastic game that is appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels. While mastering the game does need some subtleties, any level of player should have little issue getting through the levels. It’s amusing, endearing, clever, infuriating, and a lot of fun. Comment here with some of your favorite amusing moments from the Lego Star Wars: TCS cutscenes.

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