Red Ball 4

Red Ball 4

Version: 1.3

Updated: May 29, 2017

Size: 56 MB



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A cartoon ball is travelling through a beautiful scene in Red Ball 4, a difficult physics game. Platforming, problem-solving, and momentum are all combined in the game to produce an amazing experience that is easy to learn but challenging to master.

You control a red ball in the 2D platformer game Red Ball 4’s setting. As you advance towards the level’s conclusion, you must manage the world’s ramps, hills, adversaries, and platforms in classic Mario fashion. The majority of levels need you to roll from left to right while avoiding obstacles in order to get to the finish line.

Red Ball has only a few basic controls, like in traditional platformers (like Mario), including the ability to move left or right and leap. Enemies can be killed by carefully jumping on them from a perilous angle, which makes them do a cute motion and vanish. You can also find pickups in the shape of stars and checkpoints in the form of red flags. Checkpoints provide a secure location to respawn at if you fall off a ledge, drown in water, or are defeated by a monster, whereas stars provide you progress towards a bar that fills up as you complete the level.

Red Ball 4 distinguishes itself from the competitors by making inventive use of physics. As you roll through each level, you conserve a significant amount of momentum as a ball. Many puzzles demand that you return to the level to gain momentum before jumping over a barrier or bashing against something. Speaking of objects, the majority of Red Ball 4’s puzzles make use of plain boxes, boards, and other everyday items that are perfectly reproduced in the game’s physics engine. You’ll need to utilize your ball to move these items into better places so you may use them as launchpads or bridges to cross gaps or climb large cliffs to get to your target.

Red Ball 4’s charming graphics contribute to the experience. The majority of the time, levels are open, well-lit, and packed with plain things that are simple to identify. Cartoon faces on the ball and the opponents you encounter show emotions as they progress through the levels. While most foes carry on with hostile expressions on their faces, the ball rolls pretty contently. The dying character’s face will display expressions of anguish, astonishment, and regret if you succeed in defeating them (or if you fail). Similar to the visuals, the sound design is crisp, upbeat, and enjoyable, with carefully selected samples that enhance the gameplay without getting in the way.

Red Ball 4 is not free, but it is quite cheap. You can access a number of websites to play a flash-based version of the game if you’d want to try it out before you buy. Red Ball 4 is actually a collection of multiple flash games (Red Ball 4 volume 1-4) that are all freely downloadable online. The mobile version combines all of these games, adds touch controls, and introduces a number of new levels, providing you with the full Red Ball 4 experience for a reasonable price.

Editor’s Review & How To Play

A physics-based puzzle game and platformer are combined in Red Ball 4. To overcome every difficulty in the game, you’ll need both, with some demanding a significant quantity of either. Generally speaking, if you’re struggling to solve a task, try using more of the ability you’re not using. In other words, search for an object you can use to propel yourself higher or close the gap if speed and timing alone aren’t enough to close it. Try building up momentum and timing your jumps more precisely to see if you can get closer to your objective if you can’t jump high enough off of an object you’ve carefully placed in the right place. Don’t be scared to go far back for extra rolling room because you’ll need to gain some speed to finish some of the game’s phases.

The puzzles in the game are typically pretty simple, thus you can definitely overcome an obstacle by force if you simply interact with anything surrounding it. The game’s simplicity has a significant catch when you knock something off a cliff. You won’t be able to pick up a box and position it correctly to climb the next ledge or pass through the next gap if you accidentally push it over an edge. It can be a good idea to throw yourself off the brink as well if you find yourself in a complete standstill (or if you realize you pushed something off the edge). When you do this, the level will restart and all objects will reappear in their original locations, allowing you another opportunity to move the box or other object.

By looking at the red ball’s face, you can typically tell if you missed something or dropped an item. You’ll likely need to restart the game from the most recent checkpoint if the ball frowns or appears dejected as you roll it around. Once more, simply jumping from a cliff is usually the fastest way to accomplish this.

Red Ball 4’s jump feature allows you to launch the red ball to considerably greater altitudes, which lets you skip a lot of riddles and obstacles in all versions of the game. This method can be challenging on smartphones because the timing is so precise and a little late, but it is unquestionably possible on older models and those that play the game more slowly. The best way to increase your chances of successfully completing this speedrunning trick is to run Red Ball 4 on a mobile emulator like BlueStacks while keeping your framerate at 30 fps. By doing this, the game will continue to run smoothly and be watchable while giving you a decent chance to pull off the trick.

Do you know Red Ball 4 well? Which levels do you consider to be the toughest? Share your top riddles with us in the comments section below. Any advice or tricks you may have that we overlooked, please share!

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