Scary Clown : Halloween Night

Scary Clown : Halloween Night

Version: 1.0

Updated:  October 13, 2017

Size: 55 MB



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In the thrilling action game Scary Clown: Halloween Night, you take on the role of a frightful superhero clown to defend the town from villains. You can stop evildoers from causing trouble during Halloween by using your skills.

Do you find this game to be interesting? Here is everything you need to know about this special game if you’d like to learn more about it!

Top Tap Games created this original Halloween-themed game. The date of its formal release was October 13, 2017. If you decide to play this really adventurous game, the following game experiences are waiting for you:

During Halloween, snoop around the town for nefarious characters.

In this game, you’ll be decked out as a clown who appears to be an everyday person to fit in with the Halloween theme. But you’re not just a regular person dressed like a clown. In actuality, you’re taking on the role of a hero who will protect this village from evildoers!

Whether they are bandits or untrustworthy bystanders, it is your responsibility to get rid of the evil guys and ensure that Halloween remains a fun occasion for all. Use your incredible clown skills to track down adversaries and eliminate them.

Use the powers of your clown to defeat adversaries.

You’re not just some guy in a plain clown suit in this exciting game. After all, you have a variety of skills at your disposal that will make it simple for you to take out the evil men in town. Powerful attacks that let you swat, shoot, and squash adversaries are among these skills.

You must decide which assaults will defeat adversaries the quickest. Therefore, feel free to design the most lethal combo attacks for yourself! Additionally, the game’s missions that you complete will provide you access to more special attacks.

Additionally, if you want to develop stronger skills, remember to complete a variety of jobs! Once you’ve amassed all of your incredible clown superpowers, you can start flinging evil guys around with a variety of basic combo attacks and special attacks.

Pick from a stunning selection of clown costumes.

Who says you have to play the entire game with the same clown outfit? You can unlock a number of incredible clown costumes as you advance through the game to change up your appearance! So, if you don’t like your traditional clown costume, there’s no need for you to wear it.

By completing various in-game chores and quests, you can unlock a variety of wonderful clown costumes. Having said that, if you want additional possibilities for your spooky clown outfit, make sure to grind in the game!

Get lost in a breathtaking 3D setting.

A magnificent 3D world will be your backdrop as you play the game, in addition to its fascinating dynamics. Wander through the Halloween-infested town’s dimly lighted lanes, well-lit streets, and other urban places.

These amazing 3D images are backed by lifelike sounds and visual effects for a more engaging game experience. Overall, you can count on having a great time while you play this fun Halloween game.

Editor’s Review & How To Play

To provide a seamless and pleasurable game experience for everyone, this game offers features that are very responsive. Here is a helpful guide you can use as a reference if you wish to play this game:

You can navigate the town with the joystick.

Your game will feature a special joystick that you may use to navigate around and go to other locations. You will need to search every nook and cranny of the town since enemies will be scattered throughout.

Use the fundamental attacks to defeat the bad guys.

You may defeat foes early on in the game by using simple combo techniques. Some fundamental punches and kicks are among these fundamental attacks. To properly knock down opponents, make sure to employ these fundamental attacks deftly. You can win every game this way, making Halloween a success for everyone.

Don’t forget to kill foes with your special skills.

As you progress farther in the game, you’ll be able to acquire additional skills in addition to your standard combination attacks. It is possible to easily and swiftly eliminate adversaries by using these exceptional skills. These exceptional skills are listed below, along with brief descriptions of them:

  • Halloween Slime Pumpkin Attack: hurls poisonous pumpkins at adversaries
  • Fire Tire Attack: spreads a ring of fire that scorches nearby foes.
  • Grenades can be hurled at adversaries to explode and kill them.
  • Hammer Attack: used to pound foes into a pulp.
  • Clown Gun: a weapon for shooting various foes

Please be aware that certain attacks have specified cooldown periods before you can use them again. In order to avoid wasting these exceptional powers, use them wisely. While you wait for the cool down on your special powers to end, you can perform some simple combination attacks.

Complete several in-game objectives to gather various in-game goodies.

In this game, you won’t just be randomly bashing and murdering nasty guys. After all, there are a number of objectives for you to do in this enjoyable Halloween game. You can acquire some intriguing in-game stuff by completing these objectives, like new weaponry and clown costumes for your character.

Watch out for the remaining bad men and your well-being.

The number of adversaries still in a zone will be indicated by an enemy counter with a skull graphic. It is your responsibility to reduce the count in a certain location to zero. Once the number reaches 0, you’ve eliminated all the enemies there.

Additionally, you’ll need to pay attention to your health, which can be found in the top-right corner of your screen. If you take damage from foes, your health will continue to decline. You keep your character healthy, make sure to effectively deflect opposing strikes.


It’s a good thing that you don’t have to wait until Halloween to play this game. Scary Clown: Halloween Night will let you to realize your dream of becoming a spooky clown prowling the streets. The best thing, though? You get to defend the town as a superhero clown!

In the meantime, if you’re playing the game or have finished it, feel free to share your thoughts with others. So, more people will be able to enjoy this fantastic game.

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